Lake Owsley

Our adventure at Lake Owsley began with a call to the great team at Get Outside Kentucky. They were super knowledgeable, welcoming and had us squared away with a plan in no time. You can also use their easy booking online anytime.
Alex, the Get Outside Ky owner, delivered our kayaks to Owsley, complete with life jackets, and gave us a few tips before we shoved off. He named the major heights around us and even pointed out where we might see an eagle.
We were about halfway across the lake when we noticed a hawk flying above us and before we could open our camera app, an eagle had flown in to intercept the hawk. The next minute we watched these two predators battling it out for air space above us. It was fascinating, something we have never encountered and over in a blink. Oh, and yes, the eagle maintained his dominion. We never saw the hawk again.
The views at Owsley were beautiful. A paddle into this valley is a great way to while away the day.

Find more about Berea in the Berea Journal.