Ringing in the New Year with Snowflakes and Fireworks in Chicago

Fireworks on New Years in Chicago
Fireworks along the Chicago River to ring in 2024

January 1, 2023

Chicago, Illinois

The lure of a New Year’s Eve concert snowballed (quite literally) into a 3-day family road trip to the Windy City – Chicago, Illinois! Despite cold temps and big swirling snowflakes, and a 12-year-old who thought wearing a warm puffy coat was a form of torture, we braved the weather and packed in a fun jaunt around downtown Chicago.

The confetti room at the Color Factory in Chicago
The confetti room at the Color Factory

Our first stop was the Color Factory Chicago located inside the Willis Tower (aka Sears Tower). This was a truly fun interactive journey through immersive art exhibits showcasing a colorful homage to Chicago that involved snacks, floating balloons, musical notes, tons of confetti, and a gigantic minty green ball pit complete with slides. Expect your jovial inner child and the pep in your step to emerge as you weave through the exhibits; the smiles of all ages are contagious. 

Christmas decor in the lobby of the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago
Christmas decor in the lobby of the Blackstone Hotel

We selected the Blackstone Hotel, an ornate 1910 building with magnificent views of the Michigan River, for our stay. Rich in history and decorated with a nostalgic flair, you can even craft a letter on the 1908 typewriter displayed in the lobby and mail it from the front desk. We even caught a glimpse of glamorous newlyweds snapping pictures in the hotel lobby on New Year’s Eve. 

Our next adventure was enthusiastically tackling the massive Museum of Science and Industry. Depending on your schedule, the museum’s website has a place to customize your agenda based on your interests and time allotment. My personal favorite was the Science Storms exhibit, as I could have spent all day mesmerized by the 40-foot vortex of swirling vapor and air simulating a tornado in the center of the room. My kids loved You! The Experience, which showcased how the mind, body, and spirit connect (including real preserved human specimens). We spent approximately four hours at the museum (until our feet gave up) and loved every minute. Any time a place captivates the attention of two teenagers it deserves five stars. 

And since this trip was centered around NYE, we bundled up and watched the fireworks along the Chicago River. The fireworks show lined the river along the bridge and lit up the downtown sky for about five minutes while the crowds ushered in the new year. Fireworks intertwined with falling snowflakes was the cherry on top! Tip: Bundle up, then add a layer. Trust me. It is frigid cold the closer you get to the river and our toes and cheeks froze. 

The Willis Tower Skydeck Ledge in Chicago
The Ulm Family on The Skydeck Ledge

We lucked out on day three with clear skies perfect for visiting the Willis Tower Skydeck. An elevator ride up to the 103rd floor to enjoy the 360° views is all that stands between you and The Ledge, an extended four foot glass balcony putting you 1,353 feet in the air over the city of Chicago! The lines to use The Ledge (they have four ledges) was quick, as the attendants give you 90 seconds for your experience (you can get back in line multiple times). 

Deep-dish pizza at Giordano’s in Chicago
Enjoying a delicious deep dish slice at Giordano’s

No trip to Chicago is complete without a visit to Giordano’s for authentic deep dish pizza, where the cheese stretches a mile high when served. FYI: deep dish pizza takes about 45 minutes to cook, so plan accordingly. We recommend the cheesy garlic bread to keep your stomach rumbles at bay. 

We wrapped our visit at the famous Shedd Aquarium late in the afternoon on New Year’s Day. It was fairly crowded and a bit of a maze to maneuver, but a fascinating place to dive into during the cooler months. There are so many opportunities to touch aquatic life if you are brave enough! And then there’s the penguins…they were in comedic form the day we visited. 

The moral of this road trip is don’t let the northern weather scare you from enjoying a vacation to Chicago in the off-season; just pack accordingly (think warm over fashion) and breathe in the invigorating fresh cool air. A perfectly brisk refreshing start to the new year!  

The Color Factory exhibits in Chicago, Illinois
The Ulm Family fully immersed in the Color Factory exhibits