Snowshoe Beginner’s Ski Lessons & a Day on the Slopes

We booked a private beginner’s level ski lesson for our sons and so glad we did! Our oldest is on the Autism spectrum and is prone to high anxiety. He was very nervous about getting back on skis after so long. Jack, our Snowshoe ski instructor, could not have been more kind, thoughtful, and helpful. He put our sons at immediate ease and gave them the freedom and comfort level to make mistakes…no judgement. In an hour, both of our boys were set with the basics and had a great time in the process.  

For Lyssa, the adage was true. It was just like “riding a bike” and she was off and flying down challenging but fun and manageable intermediate slopes…while I did my best to keep up! I’ve always been a far more cautious skier than her, but I was also surprised and delighted that I still had far more muscle memory on the skis, than I had forgotten. We had a great day and so glad we pushed ourselves to do this trip.  

Renting the gear was so easy and the staff very helpful. The lifts and structure of the slopes were first rate. We felt safe, yet challenged, and completely cared for in a very professional environment. All skill levels are represented at Snowshoe! Multiple “Black Diamond “ runs to beginner and intermediate slopes.

Check out more about our trip here!