
Doug & Lyssa High

Doug and Lyssa High live in Lexington, Kentucky. They are the only married local TV News Anchors working the news desk together in the state! They Co-anchor ‘Good Day Kentucky” at 9am, News at Noon / “High Noon” and “Good Afternoon Kentucky” at 3pm, weekdays on WTVQ-TV ABC 36.   

The Highs love to travel! They take their sons Jackson (20) and Harrison (15) with them as often as they can.

Originally from Mansfield and Willard, Ohio…the High have been in Lexington, Kentucky since 2000.     Doug also serves as a Commander / Public Affairs Officer in the U.S. Navy Reserve for the past 23 years and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2017.

Emmy awarded and nominated, the High’s love to share stories of their travels…and so excited to join the Roadtripzee team to do just that!